The Lei Aloha O Ka 'Ohana Team has been busy working for and in, our community. Just last week, we hosted the Teen Chocolate Challenge at our monthly kanikapila session, and this week, we, along with Hui Hawai'i O Utah Hawaiian Civic Club, are presenting a free showing of the film, "Princess Ka'iulani" on Friday, September 24th at the Hawaiian Cultural Center at 6:30 pm. We invite all of you to attend, and to share your mana'o following the film. It's an ideal way for us to gather as a community and discuss our history, and culture and a perfect way to continue to strengthen our Hawaiian community here in Utah.

October is a busy month for our community as well! We are excited at the opportunity to provide a safe, fun, and enjoyable Halloween activity for the entire family!!! We'll have games, such as bobbing for apples, doughnut eating, and more! This is also our very first 'Trunk Or Treat' activity, so we invite everyone to participate and help make it a great one for the children!See the flyer below for specifics.

A great example of our getting involved in the community is the upcoming "Portugese Kings Of Comedy" show, we are humbled that Hawai'i's very own Frank DeLima will be at the Hawaiian Cultural Center for a potluck meet and greet on Thursday, October 28th!! Come join us at 6:30, bring your 'ukuleles and guitars and your favorite dish to share and meet local comedy legend Frank DeLima!! He, along with Augie T will be performing at Thanksgiving Point on Friday, October 29th. Make sure and get your tickets early!

Local favorite, 'Ekolu, will be in Salt Lake City, on Saturday, November 6th!!! This is their first time visiting here, let's make sure they keep coming back by going out and supporting the event! Local bands Natural Roots, and Rebel Zion, headed by the always amazing Kimo Watanabe, will be opening for 'Ekolu, and did you know......the venue, BarDeluxe, is also owned by a Hawai'i local?! What an awesome way to not only hear island music, but to support local talent and businesses as well!!! Make sure and get your tickets, they're going fast!

Don't forget, you can still sign up for Lei Aloha sessions, they're fun, culturally engaging, and they're free. Want to know more about what you'll learn in the sessions? Mai hilahila! Just give us a call at 801-56-ALOHA and we'll be glad to share!