Tuesday, December 28, 2010

'Umeke Workshop

Last week the Lei Aloha O Ka 'Ohana project hosted its very first 'umeke workshop.

Each family had the opportunity to work on their very own 'umeke. The process included:

1. Soaking the gourds in soap and warm water.
2. Scrubbing/cleaning off mold and residue on the outside of the gourd.
3. Individuals got to choose where they wanted to cut off the top for the opening.
4. After opening, soak gourds again inside and out for more cleaning.

Unfortunately, due to time constraints, the families weren't able to leave with a finished product, but proper directions were provided for varnishing techniques and also different ideas for decorating.

Mahalo to all those who participated and volunteered. We look forward to more workshops in the future.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

No Session This Monday

With the Holidays coming up this weekend, there will be no session this coming Monday, December 27th. Mele Kalikimaka from the Lei Aloha O Ka 'Ohana team!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Santa's Workshop

Last week Thursday, December 2nd, the subtle sound of pitter patter was heard throughout the Hawaiian Cultural Center as Lei Aloha put on its very first Santa's Workshop! So far this year, we have had activities for all ages, with the exception of our kamali'i. So with that, we set aside a couple hours for our little ones and had fun-filled activities for them, including:

Cookie Decorating

Crafts - Reindeer Windsocks


Story Time and Picture Taking

It was the perfect activity to get us ready for the start of a beautiful HOLIDAY season!